... system[*]
For installation of the Instrument Characteristics files (OSA_IC package) and the Reference Catalogues (OSA_CAT package), follow the instructions given in ``Installation Guide for the INTEGRAL Data Analysis System'' [4].
... file).[*]
When an analysis script asks you to specify the DOL, you should specify the path of the corresponding FITS file, and the corresponding name or number of the data structure in square brackets(do not forget that numbering starts with 0!). See more details in the Introduction to the INTEGRAL Data Analysis [1].
... shells[*]
If the setenv command fails with a message like:`setenv: command not found' or `setenv: not found', then you are probably using the sh family. In that case, please replace the command `setenv my_variable my_value' by the following command sequence `my_variable=my_value ; export my_variable'
In the same manner, replace the command `source my_script' by the following command `. my_script' (the `.' is not a typo!).
... chattier[*]
For example, the exit status of the program will now appear.
... Cookbook[*]
The IBIS Cookbook is available at the URL http://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/analysis
... created[*]
To create the structure for both JemX units at the same time, it is possible to call og_create only once, with the parameter instrument=JMX1,JMX2.
... output[*]
Several types of images may be produced: the vignetting-corrected intensity image, called RECONSTRUCTED, the variance image VARIANCE, RECTIFIED (raw intensity image), RESIDUAL (residuals left after removing all found sources) and EXPOSURE (the exposure map).
... images[*]
For more details on how to re-run the analysis see sections [*]
... parameters[*]
For details on j_ima_mosaic parameters see sections [*] and Appendix [*]
... FOV[*]
If you encounter a doubtful case, you can contact the help desk at http://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/support/helpdesk
... spectra[*]
To force the use of the catalogue positions the JMXi-SRCL-RES table must be manipulated by e.g an ftool to update columns RA_OBJ, DEC_OBJ. For more details see section [*].
... model[*]
Please note that if your analysis ends with a really weird looking spectrum it can be related to the problem of gain coefficients modelling. See section [*] for a discussion.
... Windows.[*]
lc_pick can be used with the same parameters, independentley of whether you used the old or new software to extract the lightcurves. lc_pick will automatically find and use the lightcurve files linked to the og_group you assign to the group parameter.
... crashed[*]
If any executable crashes then it terminates with non zero status. The meaning of the status value can be found at http://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/analysis#Errors
... steps[*]
Please note that the images that you intend to merge MUST have the same energy boundaries i.e. all the ScW maps must have been analysed in the same way. You cannot merge a 3-10keV map with a 7-18keV one.
Note that the string will be concatenated to an existing radius selection so that the parameter string must begin with a logical operator, such as &&
... observation[*]
Additionally, sources found with very high significance (see section [*]) in only one band will be added to the' basic source set.