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Source Spectra Extraction

Two spectral extraction algorithms can be used to extract the spectrum of a JEM-X source: the ``standard'' spectral extraction carried out at the SPE level (discussed in section 6.8.1), and the spectral extraction from mosaic images (discussed in section 6.8.7). Both of them originate from the imaging step.

WARNING: Since OSA v.10.0 images are produced with counts per cm . With OSA v.10.1 source spectra and lightcurves show (again) countrates per unit of detector area (100 cm ), in agreements with OGIP standards requirements. To extract the correct source fluxes you must use OSA version 10.1 or later with the latest available IC files. Since OSA10.1, the software has been updated to automatically filter out the first pointings after reactivation of the instruments (periods e.g., after perigee passage or after a strong solar flare). During these periods the temperature, and consequently the gain, is highly variable and prevent a precise energy calibration. For these pointings the spectrum will not be extracted, unless explicitely forced by the user with the hidden parameter ``skipSPEfirstScw=NO''. A warning will be issued in the log file.

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