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jemx_science_analysis parameters description

Table 62: jemx_science_analysis parameters description
Name Type Description
ogDOL string DOL of the Observational Group to be analyzed.

default: ``''

jemxNum integer JEM-X instrument number (1 or 2)

default: 2

startLevel string Analysis level at which analysis begins. The names of the possible analysis levels are listed in the table 4

default: ``COR''

endLevel string Analysis level at which analysis finishes. The names of the possible analysis levels are listed in the table 4.

default: ``IMA2''

skipLevels string Analysis levels to be skipped (use with caution!)

default: `` ''

chatter integer Verbosity level

possible values: 0 - 5

2 - normal

default: 2

clobber boolean Clobber existing output data?

default: y

osimData boolean Input data was created by ISDC simulator?

default: n

ignoreScwErrors boolean Ignore all SW processing errors?

default: n

skipSPEfirstScw boolean Do you want to skip SPE analysis for SCWs during periods of highly variable gain following reactivation of the instruments?

default: YES

ScwType string Analyse Pointings, Slews, or All type of Science Windows?

Possible values: POINTING| SLEW| ALL

SLEW should be used with caution and only by experienced users: The scientific analysis performed is the same as for POINTINGS. Therefore the software will not consider peculiarities due to non stable pointing direction. By selecting SLEW the user enables the analysis of data tagged as SLEW but otherwise known to be scientifically valid (e.g. in peculiar cases such as Earth observations or for extemely short periods within a Slew, where the pointing direction can be considered as stable.)

default: Pointing

Parameters copied to several binning data tasks
nChanBins integer Number of energy-resolved shadowgrams to create. If , shadowgrams created in standard bands.

Possible values: -7 - 100

default: 4

chanLow string Lower channel boundaries for shadowgrams and lightcurves

default: ``46 83 129 160''

chanHigh string Upper channel boundaries for shadowgrams and lightcurves

default: ``82 128 159 223''

timeStart real Start of time interval [IJD]

-1 - use Science Window bounds

default: -1

timeStop real End of time interval [IJD]

-1 - use Science Window bounds

default: -1

nPhaseBins integer Number of phase bins

(N 0 = abs(N) equally spaced bins)

default: 0

phaseBins string Phase bin sizes, separated by space


radiusLimit real Use events within this detector radius [mm]

possible values: 0.0 -130.0

default: 122.0

Parameters required for Instrument Characteristics selection
IC_Group string DOL of the Instrument Characteristics master group. This group is accessed by the script to find the calibration data relevant for the current Science Window.



IC_Alias string Selection alias for Instrument Characteristics. By changing this alias different instances of IC data can be selected.

default: ``OSA''

instMod string DOL of JEM-X Instrument Model Group

(empty=find in IC)


response string Filename of standard RMF and ARF

(empty=find in IC)


Parameters specific to corrections (COR)
COR_gainHist string DOL of the Index Group with gain variation history. This data is stored per revolution and thus not accessible via the IC system.

default: ``''

COR_gainModel integer Gain history smoothing model to be applied

possible values:

-1 (default) Let the algorithm choose between the optimal model to be used.

0 Linear interpolation between gain history values,

1 This model is obsolete.

2 Exponential gain decay with linear segment immediately after switch. Models normal time variation of gain in a revolution

3 Non-trigger dependent model.

4 Hardware trigger dependency in the smoothing. If there is no significant trigger variation during the revolution, then the program defaults back to model 3.

default: -1

COR_outputExists boolean Assume already existing output

default: ``n''

COR_randPos boolean Should output positions be randomized within the pixel?

default: ``n''

Parameters specific to Good Time Intervals (GTI)
GTI_gtiUser string DOL of the input user GTI

default: ``''

GTI_TimeFormat string Time format to be used

possible values: ``IJD'', ``UTC'', ``OBT''

default: ``IJD''

GTI_BTI_Dol string DOL of a bad time interval table.

default: `` ''

GTI_BTI_Names string Input Bad Time Interval names to be considered


GTI_attTolerance real Accepted attitude variability [arc min]

default: 0.5

GTI_limitTable string DOL of table with parameter limits

default: ``''

GTI_gtiJemxNames string Names of instrumental GTIs to be included in merged GTI

default: ``''

GTI_gtiScNames string Names of spacecraft GTIs to be included in merged GTI

default: ``''

GTI_MergedName string Name of merged GTI to be used in analysis

default: ``MERGED''

GTI_Accuracy string Used accuracy for OBT to IJD conversion and vice versa

possible values: ``any'', ``inaccurate'', ``accurate''

default: ``any''

GTI_AttStability_Z real Accepted attitude stability tolerance of Z axis [arcmin]

default: ``3.0''

Parameters specific to Dead Time Calculation (DEAD)
DEAD_outputExists boolean Assume already existing output

default: ``n''

Parameters specific to catalog extraction (CAT_I)
CAT_I_refCat string DOL of the Reference Catalog

default: ``$ISDC_REF_CAT''

CAT_I_usrCat string DOL of the User Catalog. Currently not used.

default: ``''

CAT_I_radiusMin string Low limit for the position selection. Can be multiple limits with separating blank

default: ``0 2.4''

CAT_I_radiusMax string High limit for the position selection. Can be multiple limits with separating blank

default: ``2.4 5.8''

CAT_I_fluxDef string Column used for flux selection.

default: ``0''

CAT_I_fluxMin string Low limit for flux selection.

default: ``''

CAT_I_fluxMax string High limit for flux selection.

default: ``''

CAT_I_class string Object class of sources to select

default: ``''

CAT_I_date real IJD for the public data.

possible values:

0 - all public;

0 - all private;

0 - according to DAY_ID

default: ``-1''

Parameters specific to shadowgram binning (BIN_I)
BIN_I_evtType integer Event type

possible values:

0 - FULL,

1 - REST,

-1 - both

default: -1

BIN_I_shdType integer Type of shadowgram

possible values:

0 - skew

1 - shadowgram based on corrected event positions

2 - shadowgram based on raw event positions (required for j_ima_iros)

3 - shadowgram based on regularized detector pixels

default: 2

BIN_I_shdRes string DOL of the output shadowgrams

default: ``''

BIN_I_rowSelect string CFITSIO selection string on events. Ensures removal of all hotspot events and other seriously bad events

default: ``&&STATUS 256&& ''

BIN_I_gtiNames string Names of GTI tables to be used

default: ``''

BIN_I_chanLowDet string Three lower channel boundaries for shadowgrams for source detection

default: `` 46 96 135''

BIN_I_chanHighDet string Three upper channel boundaries for shadowgrams for source detection

default: ``95 134 178''

Parameters specific to imaging (IMA)
IMA_makeNewBPL boolean Do you want to create a new backprojection file ?

default: no

IMA_newBackProjFile string Base name of new backprojection file

default: ``''

IMA_detAccLimit integer Acceptance limit in JMXi-DETE-MOD data structure. Possible values: 1 - 65535

default: 16384

IMA_skyImageDim integer Sky image dimension. Possible values: 1:255, 2:511.

default: 2

IMA_useDeadAnodes boolean Do you want to include dead anodes areas ?

default: no

IMA_maxNumSources integer Max number of sources in IROS loop

default: 10

IMA_edgeEnhanceFactor real Edge enhancement factor. It is used to convert the sky-images to significance maps by amplifying the peaks near the edge relative to those near the center

default: 1.0

IMA_loopLimitPeak real Fractional peak power to stop IROS loop

default: 0.025

IMA_detSigSingle real Detection significance for source acceptance

default: 12.0

IMA_skyRadiusFactor real Sky radius limit factor

default: 1.0

IMA_radiusLimit0 real Detector radius limit E 6 keV (mm)

default: 120.0

IMA_radiusLimit1 real Detector radius limit 6 E 12 keV (mm)

default: 120.0

IMA_radiusLimit2 real Detector radius limit 12 E 20 keV (mm)

default: 1107.0

IMA_radiusLimit3 real Detector radius limit E 20 keV (mm)

default: 110.0

IMA_interactionDepth real Mean depth of interaction in the detector (mm)

default: 3.0

IMA_hotPixelLimit real Hot pixel limit factor above average

default: 4.0

IMA_skyImagesOut string Type of output sky images. There are the following types:

RECTIFIED: Rectified (cleaned) intensity maps (in counts/cm /s).

VARIANCE: Variance maps.

RECONSTRUCTED: Reconstructed Residual+Sources maps (in counts/cm /s) which only differ from the RECTIFIED maps if sources have been found.

RAWINTENSITY: Raw intensity (strength) maps (in counts), for which the vignetting correction is not applied.

RESIDUAL: Intensity map (in counts/cm /s) after all found source contributions have been subtracted

PIF: activate the ”PIF-weighted” image generation algorithm (not to be used with mosaic_spec)

Only the first five letters are required.


IMA_dolBPL string DOL of backprojection file list

default: ``empty''

IMA_bkgShdDOL string DOL of background shadowgrams

default: ``empty''

IMA_relDist real Limit of relative distance (mm) to catalog position used for identifying sources

default: 1.5

IMA_fluxLimit real Lower flux limit for alerts of unfound sources [Counts/s ]

default: 0.000

IMA_searchRad real Range of search grid around nominal found source positions

default: 5.00

IMA_gridNum integer Number of grid steps on one side of search grid

default: 10

IMA_distFuzz real 'Fuzz' allowed in relative distances

default: 0.15

IMA_signifLim integer Minimum number of pixels to make a contribution to the sky image

default: 25

IMA_illumNorm integer Flag for special re-normalization

default: 0

IMA_collHreduc real [mm] Reduction of collimator height for BPL production"

default: 0.

IMA_detImagesOut boolean Should the images used for source detection be in output?

default: NO

IMA_userImagesOut boolean Do you want the user defined images to be written?

default: YES

Parameters specific to source spectra extraction (SPE)
SPE_InSourceResult string Input source result (JMXi-SRCL-RES)

default: ``''

SPE_OutSourceSpectrum string Output source spectra (JMXi-SRCL-SPE)

default: ``''

SPE_OutSourceARF string Output source spectra (JMXi-SRCL-ARF)

default: ``''

Parameters specific to source lightcurve extraction (LCR)
LCR_timeStep real Binning time for spectra in seconds.

default: 4.0

LCR_vignCorr boolean Correct for vignetting?

Forced to "yes". Vignetting correction is always applied.

default: y

LCR_evtType integer Event type (0=FULL, 1=REST, -1=both)

possible values:

0 - FULL,

1 - REST,

-1 - both

default: -1

LCR_precisionLevel integer Speed - precision level, see more details in Section 10.7.1

possible values:

20 - the only value presently supported.

default: 20

LCR_fluxScaling integer Flux scaling to area

possible values:

1 - Full area open to the illumination

2 - 100cm

3 - 1cm

default: 2

LCR_skipNearDeadAnode boolean Ignore pixels near dead anodes?

default: y

LCR_skipHotSpot boolean Ignore pixels in hotspot area?

default: n

LCR_tAccuracy integer Time Correlation accuracy

possible values:

0 - high,

1 - low,

3 - any

default: 3

LCR_rowSelect string CFITSIO selection string on events

default: `` ''

LCR_useRaDec boolean Use sky coordinates (Ra,Dec) instead of instrument coordinates?

default: y

LCR_overrideCollTilt real Value of collimator tilt parameter. If 0 use Instrument Model Group value.

default: -1.0

LCR_useIROS boolean Do you want to create lightcurves through j_ima_iros?

default: y

LCR_doBurstSearch boolean Do you want to search for bursts? (specific to j_ima_iros lightcurve extraction tool)

default: y

LCR_referenceTime real [IJD] Origin of time scale, can be used for merging various LCs. (specific to j_ima_iros lightcurve extraction tool)

default: 0

LCR_burstThreshSrc real Significance threshold for source bursts ( ) (specific to j_ima_iros lightcurve extraction tool)

default: 7

LCR_burstThreshDet real Significance threshold for detector bursts ( ) (specific to j_ima_iros lightcurve extraction tool)

default: 6

Parameters specific to detector spectra binning (BIN_S)
BIN_S_timeStep real Binning time [s] for spectra (0.0=bin all data)

default: ``0.0''

BIN_S_rowSelectEvts string CFITSIO selection string on events

default: ``''

BIN_S_rowSelectSpec string CFITSIO selection string on spectrum mode data

default: ``''

BIN_S_evtType integer Data format to bin

possible values:

-1 - all,

0 - FULL,

1 - REST,

2 - SPTI,

4 - SPEC

default: -1

Parameters specific to detector lightcurve binning (BIN_T)
BIN_T_rowSelect string CFITSIO selection string on events

default: ``''

BIN_T_evtType integer Data format to bin

possible values:

-1 - all,

0 - FULL,

1 - REST,

2 - SPTI,

4 - SPEC

default: -1

Parameters specific to jemx_obs_analysis (IMA_2)
IMA2_mapSelect string Types of images to be selected. Possible values:

RAW_RECT: Rectified (cleaned) intensity maps (in counts/cm /s).

RAW_INT: raw intensity (strength) maps (in counts), for which the vignetting correction should not have been applied at the IMA level (by use of "NOVIGN" in the IMA_skyImagesOut parameter line) but is applied at the mosaicking level.

RES+SRC: reconstructed Residual+Sources maps (in counts/cm /s) which only differ from the RAW_RECT maps if sources have been found at the IROS imaging level.

default: ``RAW_RECT''

IMA2_radiusSelect real Input images selection radius in degrees

default: 4.8

IMA2_eminSelect real Minimum energy (keV) to select energy interval

default: 0.0

IMA2_emaxSelect real Maximum energy (keV) to select energy interval

default: 80.0

IMA2_diameter real Diameter in degrees of the mosaic image (0: allows to fit the mosaic size from the inputs, : can be used for larger mosaics)

default: 0.0

IMA2_cdelt real Pixel size in degrees at mosaic center

default: 0.026

IMA2_RAcenter real Center of the mosaic image Right Ascension in degrees (If 0 use the computed middle position of the mosaic)

default: -1

IMA2_DECcenter real Center of the mosaic image Declination in degrees (not used if RAcenter 0)

default: 0.0

IMA2_outfile string Prefix of the mosaic FITS file for each energy band

default: ``''

IMA2_viewTime boolean Create total exposure time map? (if Y OBS_TIME_n.fits, where n is the number of combined input skymaps)

default: "y"

IMA2_viewIntens boolean Create raw Intensity map?

default: "y"

IMA2_viewVar boolean Create Variance map?

default: "y"

IMA2_viewSig boolean Create Significance map?

default: "y"

IMA2_view_nb boolean Create a map that shows the number of input images contributing to each pixel?

default "n"

IMA2_dolBPL string DOL of the vignetting maps, e.g., ../../ic/jmx1/rsp/jmx1_bpl_grp_0002.fits[JMX1-DMAP-BPL]

default: ""

IMA2_print_ScWs boolean List input Science Windows in mosaic headers?

default: "n"

IMA2_AITproj boolean Project map in galactic coordinates using AIToff-Hammer projection

default: "n"

IMA2_srcFileDOL string DOL of the output source list mosaic


IMA2_srcselect string CFITSIO selection string applied to input tables


IMA2_srcattach boolean Attach resulting table to group?

default: y

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