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This executable combines source data obtained by the imaging analysis for individual Science Windows into a single table covering an Observation Group. It is possible to retrieve only selected results, e.g., just for a given source. The result is written to jemxi/jmxi_obs._res.fits file. The description of JMXi-OBS.-RES data structure is given in the Table 61.

Table 61: Content of JMXi-OBS.-RES Data Structure.
Column Name Description
SWID Science Window identifier
SOURCE_ID ISDC unique source identifier
NAME One commonly used name for the source
RA_OBJ Source right ascension in degrees
DEC_OBJ Source declination in degrees
ERR_RAD Error radius in degrees
DETSIG Source detection significance in JEM-X
OFFANGLE Off-axis angle in degrees
EBIN_NUM Number of used elements in E_MIN, E_MAX, FLUX, FLUX_ERR
E_MIN Lower energy boundaries
E_MAX Upper energy boundaries
FLUX Flux values in counts
FLUX_ERR Flux errors in counts
DEADC Mean deadtime (& greyfilter) correction factor
EXPOSURE Mean exposure time over the detector plane in seconds
TSTART Start time of the observation (IJD)
TSTOP End time of the observation (IJD)
SEL_FLAG Source selection flag
FLAG Generic flag
COSX_JMX Direction cosine between X-axis and source in instrum. coordinates
COSY_JMX Direction cosine between Y-axis and source in instrum. coordinates
COSZ_JMX Direction cosine between Z-axis and source in instrum. coordinates

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