Data Centre for Astrophysics
Astronomy Department of the University of Geneva

Discovery of IGR J17497-2821 : a new X-ray nova


Context. A new hard X-ray transient has been discovered by INTEGRAL on 2006 Sep. 17 at 1 degree from the Galactic Centre.
Aims. INTEGRAL, Swift/XRT and optical photometric observations are used to characterize IGR J17497-2821 and to unveil its nature.
Methods. The X-ray position has been refined to arcsec level through a study of the optical variability of the possible counterparts. Hard X-ray variability and spectroscopy are used to determine the nature of the source outburst.
Results. IGR J17497-2821 is a new X-ray Nova in low-hard state, probably a new Black-Hole Candidate.

Chronology of observations

17 Sep.Discovery of IGR J17497-2821 with INTEGRAL (ATel 885)
19 Sep.Start of follow-up X-ray observations with NASA's Swift satellite (ATel 899)
20 Sep.RXTE follow-up X-ray observations (ATel 891)
21 Sep.Euler telescope follow-up optical observation
21 Sep.Magellan Baade telescope follow-up infrared observation (ATel 909)
22 Sep.Start of optical monitoring by the IRSF telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory (ATel 936)
22 Sep.Start of X-ray follow-up observations with XMM-Newton
22 Sep.Observation by the HESS Cherenkov telescope in Namibia
25 Sep.X-ray observations by the Japanese Suzaku satellite (ATel 914)
1st Oct.X-ray observations by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (ATel 907)

The full list of Astronomer's Telegrams related to IGR J17497-2821 is available here.