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This executable generates detector spectra for a single JEM-X unit from Full Imaging, Restricted Imaging or Spectral/Timing events by binning the event data.

The output data structures are JMXi-FULL-DSP, JMXi-REST-DSP and JMXi-SPTI-DSP. These data structures are compatible with XSPEC.

Table: Content of JMXi-FULL-DSP, JMXi-REST-DSP and JMXi-SPTI-DSP Data Structures.
Column Name Description
SPEC_NUM Reference Number of spectrum in this row
ROWID Unique descriptive string for each spectrum
CHANNEL Array of channel numbers for the countrates
RATE Array of countrates in the defined channels
STAT_ERR Array of estimated statistical uncertainty of the countrates
SYS_ERR Array of estimated systematical uncertainty of the countrates
QUALITY Array of quality flags for the channels
BACKFILE File and row of corresponding background spectrum
BACKSCAL Background scaling factor
EXPOSURE Effective integration time [s] for the spectrum
TSTART Start of the integration time interval in IJD
TSTOP End of the integration time interval in IJD

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