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Some tricks on saving disk space and CPU time

To gain time and space it is possible to create the rebinned correction and uniformity maps rebinned_*.fits only once and then give them as an input for the rest.

Analyse one science window from COR to SPE, copy the maps somewhere and make them read only. Then launch the analysis for other science windows specifying the following parameters in your ibis_science_analysis call:


IMPORTANT: rebinned maps are created for a given set of energies only, so these should remain the same only as long as you are not changing energy ranges in your IMA and SPE analysis. If you want to change IMA energy bins or spectral response energy boundaries, these maps have to be created again.

Starting from OSA11, we have different background maps along the mission, which are rebinned accordingly to the choice of energy ranges. Until OSA10.2, only one background map was given for the full mission. Therefore, it was possible to input it similarly to the uniformity and correction maps as after the first run:


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