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This program build light curves and related errors starting from spectral timing data of PICsIT. The content of the filled Data Structures is given in the Tables [*], [*].

Table: Content of the PICS-EVTS-LCR-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
SOURCEID ISDC unique source identifier
CHANMIN Lowest channel of the energy range
CHANMAX Highest channel of the energy range
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range
PICSMODE Mode of the PICsIT detector layer

Table: Content of the PICS-EVTS-LCR Data Structure.
Column Name Description
TIME Time of measurement for the bin
TOT_COUNTS Total counts of the source region
BACKV Background counts scaled to the source region
BACKE Background count errors
ERROR Net count error in the source region
RATE Countrate in the given energy band
FRACEXP Fraction of integration bin time for exposure correction

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