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ii_shadow_build prepares ISGRI data for scientific analysis.

During the run of this executable Data Structures ISGR-DETE-SHD for a detector shadowgrams and ISGR-EFFI-SHD for ISGRI detector efficiency shadowgrams are filled. These Data Structures keep the position of each pixel and the total counts in given energy band during integration time or efficiency correspondingly.

During PICsIT analysis the same information about the PICsIT detector is written to PICS-DETE-SHD and PICS-EFFI-SHD Data Structures.

Table: List of Data Structures produced at BIN level
Instrument Type of shadowgram Output Data Structure
efficiency [IE] ISGR-EFFI-SHD
efficiency [PE] PICS-EFFI-SHD

Table: Content of ****-****-SHD-IDX Data Structures.
Column Name Description Shadowgram Type
ISDCLEVL ISDC level of data processing ID, IE, PD, PE
TFIRST Time of the first data element ID, IE, PD, PE
TLAST Time of the last data element ID, IE, PD, PE
TELAPSE Total elapsed time of the data ID, IE, PD, PE
ONTIME Sum of good time intervals ID, IE, PD, PE
CHANMIN Lowest channel of the energy range ID, IE
CHANMAX Highest channel of the energy range ID, IE
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range ID, IE, PD, PE
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range ID, IE, PD, PE
BANDTYPE Type of energy band ID, IE
RISE_MIN Minimum event rise time channel 0-127 ID
RISE_MAX Maximum event rise time channel 0-127 ID
HIS_TYPE Type of histogram data PD
SHD_TYPE Shadowgram type PE

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