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Background model generation - SPI_OBS_BACK

spi_obs_back produces background models for imaging, timing and spectral analysis. The simplest case is to assume a background that does not change with time. The background then has only one free parameter per detector in the image analysis. The goal of the background generation is to provide a model for the time (and energy) variations in order to limit the number of background parameters in a more realistic imaging solution.

In the default GEDSAT mode the background is assumed to be proportional to the saturated detector trigger rate. Up to five different components may be included into background model.

The computed model background rates are averaged over the corresponding period of good times. These rates are then multiplied by the live time to produce the final background counts stored in the output data structure. The resulting background rates detector spectra are formatted as the events detector spectra.

More details can be found in the spi_obs_back User Manual, which can be downloaded from

Table: spi_obs_back parameters included into the main script
Name Type Description
(Main Script)    
spi_obs_back_nmodel integer Number of background model components

possible values: 1 - 5

default: 1

spi_obs_back_model0k string Model type of component k

possible values: ``CONST'', ``ONTIME'', ``DEADTIME'', ``DEADLIVE'', ``ADJA CENT'', ``VETOGATE'', ``VETONONSAT'', ``VETOSAT'', ``GEDRATE'', ``GEDSAT ''

default: ``GEDSAT'' ( 2)

``ADJACENT'' (k=2)

spi_obs_back_mpar0k string Model parameters of component k

default: ``''

spi_obs_back_norm0k string Component k normalization type"

possible values: ``NO'', ``GLOBAL'', ``DETE'', ``LINE'', ``CONT'', ``OFFLINE'', ``OFFCONT''

default: ``NO''

spi_obs_back_npar0k string Component k normalization parameters

default: ``''

spi_obs_back_scale0k real Component k scaling factor

default: 1.0


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