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List of Figures

  1. A cut-away view of the SPI instrument
  2. The mask and detectors of the SPI instrument
  3. Dithering patterns and instrument FoV
  4. The SPI continuum background components
  5. Spectrum example
  6. Energy resolution
  7. Continuum sensitivity
  8. Narrow line sensitivity
  9. spi_science_analysis main GUI
  10. Energy bin definition GUI
  11. Main background GUI
  12. Options for the flat field background
  13. Options for the template background
  14. Options for modeling the background using tracers like GEDSAT
  15. spiros main GUI
  16. spiros imaging mode GUI
  17. Catalogue extraction GUI
  18. Crab spectrum from cookbook example
  19. spiros timing mode GUI
  20. Crab light-curve from the cookbook example
  21. Relevant paremeters of source_cat.fits for timing analysis.
  22. V404 Cygni spectrum from cookbook example.
  23. ``Histogram options'' window with ``SE+PE'' option selected by default
  24. ``Histogram options'' window with ``SE+PE'' option un-selected.
  25. GUI of spimodfit_analysis with the default setting.
  26. GUI of spimodfit_analysis energy definition.
  27. GUI of spimodfit_analysis regarding spimodfit .
  28. Crab count rate spectrum from cookbook example
  29. GUI of spimodfit_analysis regarding the spimodfit background multipliers.
  30. Histogram options GUI
  31. Phase parameter GUI
  32. Orbit parameter GUI
  33. Illustration of the different GRB start/stop times
  34. Output of og_create on the terminal
  35. Main GUI window of the spi_science_analysis script
  36. Energy boundaries (or ebounds) GUI
  37. Background GUI
  38. spiros GUI main window
  39. spiros GUI imaging window
  40. Outputs of spi_grb_analysis when invoked without any input parameters
  41. Main GUI window of the spi_science_analysis script
  42. Energy boundaries GUI
  43. spiros GUI main window
  44. Outputs of spi_grb_analysis when invoked without any input parameters
  45. GUI with settings for a flat-field background
  46. GUI with settings for internal background computation