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q_identify_src calculates the distance between each pair consisting of an expected catalogue source and a source found in the FOV by the ISSW. This distance and the error radii of the sources are used to calculate the relative distance, . It is therefore essential that the quoted position error has a meaningful value. The relative distances are then stored in an array. Two new arrays are then created one ranking each catalogue source with relDist (the largest value of relative distance considered when matching sources) for its proximity to each found source, and the other ranking each found source with relDist for its proximity to each catalogue source. These two arrays are compared and five classes of source matches are found:

Table 16: j_ima_iros parameters included into the main script
Name Type Description
IMA_makeNewBPL boolean Do you want to create a new backprojection file ?

default: no

IMA_newBackProjFile string Base name of new backprojection file

default: ``''

IMA_detAccLimit integer Acceptance limit in JMXi-DETE-MOD data structure. Possible values: 1 - 65535

default: 16384

IMA_skyImageDim integer Sky image dimension. Possible values: 1:255, 2:511.

default: 2

IMA_useDeadAnodes boolean Do you want to include dead anodes areas ?

default: no

IMA_maxNumSources integer Max number of sources in IROS loop

default: 10

IMA_edgeEnhanceFactor real Edge enhancement factor. It is used to convert the sky-images to significance maps by amplifying the peaks near the edge relative to those near the center

default: 1.0

IMA_loopLimitPeak real Fractional peak power to stop IROS loop

default: 0.025

IMA_detSigSingle real Detection significance for source acceptance

default: 12.0

IMA_skyRadiusFactor real Sky radius limit factor

default: 1.0

IMA_radiusLimit0 real Detector radius limit E 6 keV (mm)

default: 120.0

IMA_radiusLimit1 real Detector radius limit 6 E 12 keV (mm)

default: 120.0

IMA_radiusLimit2 real Detector radius limit 12 E 20 keV (mm)

default: 117.0

IMA_radiusLimit3 real Detector radius limit E 20 keV (mm)

default: 110.0

IMA_interactionDepth real Mean depth of interaction in the detector (mm)

default: 3.0

IMA_hotPixelLimit real Hot pixel limit factor above average

default: 4.0

IMA_skyImagesOut string Type of output sky images. There are the following types:

RECTIFIED: Rectified (cleaned) intensity maps (in counts/cm /s).

VARIANCE: Variance maps.

RECONSTRUCTED: Reconstructed Residual+Sources maps (in counts/cm /s) which only differ from the RECTIFIED maps if sources have been found.

RAWINTENSITY: Raw intensity (strength) maps (in counts), for which the vignetting correction is not applied.

RESIDUAL: Intensity map (in counts/cm /s) after all found source contributions have been subtracted.

EXPOSURE: The exposure map

PIF: activate the ”PIF-weighted” image generation algorithm (not to be used with mosaic_spec)

Only the first five letters are required.


IMA_dolBPL sting DOL of backprojection file list

default: ``''

IMA_bkgShdDOL string DOL of background shadowgrams

default: ``''

IMA_signifLim integer Minimum number of pixels to make a contribution to a sky image default: ``25''
IMA_illumNorm integer Flag for special re-normalization

default: ``0''

IMA_colHreduc real [mm] Reduction of collimator height for BPL production

default: ``0.''

IMA_detImagesOut boolean Should the images used for source detection be in output?

default: ``NO''

IMA_userImagesOut boolean Do you want the user defined images to be written?

default: ``YES''

IMA_pixelFold integer Type of pixelfold 0:none, 1:NL, 2:NJW, 3:NL 1 D

default: ``1''

IMA_useTrace boolean Flag for tracing function calls

default: ``no''

IMA_tracestring string Control string for use of trace

default: ``0123456789ABCDEF''

Table 17: q_identify_srcs parameters included into the main script
Name Type Description
IMA_relDist real This is a parameter that sets the allowed separation between CAT-sources and RES-sources that are to be considered as the 'same'.

relDist is calculated from:relDist=d/ . Here d is a distance between the sources and and are the error radii.

default: 1.5

IMA_fluxLimit real Lower flux limit for alerts of unfound sources [Counts/cm/s ].

default: 0.0

IMA_searchRad real Range of search grid (in degrees) around nominal found source positions

default: 0.25

IMA_gridNum integer Number of grid steps on one side of search grid

default: 25

IMA_distFuzz real Fractional difference in the relative distance of two found sources that allows them still to be considered equally good fits for a catalogue source.

default: 0.15

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