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Running the analysis in parallel

The OSA scripts jemx_science_analysis and ibis_science_analysis take in input the og_group that you created with the og_create command, and apply various analysis steps on each SCW, one after the other. This process can be long, especially if your analysis involves hundreds of SCWs. Moreover if one of the SCWs in your list is problematic for any of the analysis step, the script might be interrupted and no analysis will be performed also for the subsequent SCWs.

With some manipulation, experienced users can however trivially parallelise part of the analysis process. We provide here a brief discussion, showing one possible approach to conduct the analysis in parallel over your entire list of SCWs, instructions are given for JEM-X, but can be transferred to IBIS with ease. This is optimally achieved in a cluster, as described below, but it can be done also on single machines.

In order to submit separate jobs, you will have to produce two shell scripts: one is the script you will actually run from the head node of your cluster, the other is the ``cluster script'' containing the analysis commands (setup of the OSA envoironment variables, og_create and jemx_science_analysis commands with the parameters required for your analysis).

The first script should read the list of SCWs (for example you read one line at a time from a txt file similar to the mos.lst file that we used in Sect. 6.7.4), and include a loop over each SCWs. In this loop, you will submit a job to your cluster, the job being the ``cluster script'' . You are therefore submitting the same job for each SCW in your list, and this job will setup the OSA environment in a cluster node, and run the og_create and jemx_science_analysis commands from the appropriate subdirectories. The exact command you will need to submit the jobs may depend on the cluster you are working on. Although you will be running the same cluster script for each SCW, it is a good practice to store the pfiles in a temporary directory, one for each SCW. Each of these directories containing the pfiles can be deleted soon after the analysis for the given SCW ends. The list of parameters used for the analysis is stored in the log file (defined through the COMMONLOGFILE environment variable, as explained in Sect. 6.3).

Following the procedure above you will end up with one og_group for each SCWs in your list. Each og_group will contain only a single SCW, as shown in the scheme of Fig. 24. Once the analysis has completed for all the desired SCWs, you can merge the products to obtain the mosaic image, a single spectrum or lightcurve for your dataset by following the instructions in Sect. 7.4.

Figure 24: Structure of the analysis directory and observation groups when running the analysis in parallel.

The exact validity range (in IJD or UTC time units) can be found by inspecting the header of each IMOD file in your IC tree.

Table 7: JEM-X IMOD files instance number, and indicative validity range expressed in spacecraft revolutions.
Revolution interval IMOD instance XXX
1 - 9 406
9 - 15 407
15 - 19 408
19 - 38 409
38 - 44 410
44 - 94 411
94 - 164 412
164 - 198 413
198 - 221 414
221 - 245 415
245 - 311 416
311 - 407 417
407 - 459 418
459 - 533 419
533 - 623 420
623 - 659 421
659 - 713 422
713 - 782 423
782 - 869 424
869 - 935 425
935 - 1000 426
1000 - 1053 427
1053 - 1123 428
1123 - 1190 429
1190 - 1294 430
1294 - 1363 431
1363 - 1415 432
1415 - 1485 433
1485 - 434
Revolution interval IMOD instance XXX
1 - 5 406
5 - 10 407
10 - 15 408
15 - 38 409
38 - 44 410
44 - 71 411
71 - 94 412
94 - 135 413
135 - 172 414
172 - 197 415
198 - 245 416
245 - 311 417
311 - 389 418
389 - 500 419
500 - 579 420
580 - 659 421
659 - 713 422
713 - 799 423
799 - 856 424
856 425
856 - 869 426
869 - 935 427
935 - 1000 428
1000 - 1053 429
1053 - 1123 430
1123 - 1190 431
1190 - 1294 432
1294 - 1363 433
1363 - 1415 434
1415 - 1485 435
1485 - 436

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