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Creating a second mosaic in the Observation Group

If you already extracted a mosaic from the Science Windows in your Observation Group (as explained in section 6.7.4), and now you would like to extract a second mosaic on the same Science Windows (changing e.g. the IMA2_diameter parameter), you will see that og_jmx2.fits points to the initial mosaic output (row 2 of the first extension is jmx2_obs_res.fits). This will interfere with the new mosaic you are about to launch. You will need to detach the previous results from the og_group, and rename (or delete) them. To do so you can either clean the og_group with the task og_clean, as explained in section 6.7.4, or you can directly detach the former mosaic results from the group:

cd $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/og_group
fdelrow og_jmx2.fits+1 2 1 N Y
mv jmx2_mosa_ima.fits jmx2_mosa_ima_original.fits
mv jmx2_obs_res.fits jmx2_obs_res_original.fits

With the fdelrow command you detach from the first extension of og_jmx2.fits row number ``2'' (= the first row to be deleted, number of rows to be deleted = ``1''), you were shown no keyword values, ``N'', and you agreed to proceed ,``Y''. At this point you can run again the mosaic step through jemx_science_analysis, with Start and End levels both set to IMA2.

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