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The j_bin_lc script bins event data into lightcurves in different energy bands. There are two possible outputs of this program: normal lightcurves and period-folded lightcurves. In the case of nPhaseBins=0 Data Structures JMXi-DETE-LCR-IDX and JMXi-DETE-LCR are filled. JMXi-DETE-LCR contains a countrate lightcurve for the whole JEM-Xi detector binned from event or countrate data.

In the case nPhaseBins 0 Data Structures JMXi-DETE-FLC-IDX and JMXi-DETE-FLC are filled. JMXi-DETE-FLC contains a countrate lightcurve folded with a given period for the whole JEM-Xi2 detector binned from event or countrate data.

Table 56: Content of JMXi-DETE-LCR-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
DATAMODE Science format used to create lightcurve (FULL or REST)
CHANMIN Lowest channel of the energy range
CHANMAX Highest channel of the energy range
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range

Table 57: Content of JMXi-DETE-LCR Data Structure.
Column Name Description
TIME Time of measurement for the bin
TIMEDEL Integration time for the bin
RATE Countrate in the given energy band
ERROR Countrate error in the the given energy band
BRATE Background countrate in the given energy band
BERROR Background countrate error in the given energy band
BARYTIME Barycentric time for the bin

Table 58: Content of JMXi-DETE-FLC-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
DATAMODE Science format used to create lightcurve (FULL or REST)
CHANMIN Lowest channel of the energy range
CHANMAX Highest channel of the energy range
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range
PERIOD Period in seconds with which the lightcurve was folded
PHASZERO Time of phase zero in IJD
Table 59: Content of JMXi-DETE-FLC-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
PHASE Phase of the center of the bin
PHASEDEL Half width in phase units (0-1) for the bin
RATE Countrate in the given energy band
ERROR Countrate error in the the given energy band
BRATE Background countrate in the given energy band
BERROR Background countrate error in the given energy band
BARYTIME Barycentric time for the bin

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