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The catalogue extraction selects the sources in the FOV from the reference catalogue. The output Data Structure ISGR-SRCL-CAT have the same structure as the reference catalogue GNRL-REFR-CAT, see Table 48.

Table 48: Content of GNRL-REFR-CAT Data Structures.
Column Name Description
SOURCE_ID ISDC unique source identifier
DAY_ID Modified Julian Date of source's first identification
NAME One commonly used name for the source
CLASS source classification code
RA_OBJ Source right ascension in degrees
DEC_OBJ Source declination in degrees
ERR_RAD Error radius
SPA_MODL Model for source spatial extension (point, disk, ellipse, square, gaussian, Bspline, etc..)
SPA_NPAR Number of parameters for source spatial extension
SPA_PARS Parameters for source spatial extension
SPE_MODL Model for source spectrum (XSPEC syntax)
SPE_NPAR Number of parameters for source spectrum
SPE_PARS Parameters for source spectrum
VAR_MODL Model for source intensity variability (constant, sin, burst)
VAR_NPAR Number of parameters for source intensity variability
VAR_PARS Parameters for source intensity variability
SPI_FLUX_1 SPI flux in the soft SPI energy band
SPI_FLUX_2 SPI flux in the hard SPI energy band
ISGR_FLUX_1 ISGRI flux in the soft ISGRI energy band
ISGR_FLUX_2 ISGRI flux in the hard ISGRI energy band
PICS_FLUX_1 PICsIT flux in the soft PICsIT energy band
PICS_FLUX_2 PICsIT flux in the hard PICsIT energy band
JEMX_FLUX_1 JEMX flux in the soft JEMX energy band
JEMX_FLUX_2 JEMX flux in the hard JEMX energy band
E_MIN Lower energy boundaries
E_MAX Upper energy boundaries
FLUX Flux values
FLUX_ERR Flux errors
SEL_FLAG Source selection flag
FLAG Generic flag

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