SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T CONTENT = 'PHA SPECTRUM' / spectrum file TELESCOP= 'LOFT ' / Telescope name INSTRUME= 'WFM ' / Instrument name END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 12 / length of dimension 1 NAXIS2 = 780 / length of dimension 2 PCOUNT = 0 / number of group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups TFIELDS = 4 / number of table fields TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' TFORM1 = 'J ' TUNIT1 = 'none ' TTYPE2 = 'COUNTS ' TFORM2 = 'J ' TUNIT2 = 'count ' TTYPE3 = 'QUALITY ' TFORM3 = 'I ' TUNIT3 = 'none ' TTYPE4 = 'GROUPING' TFORM4 = 'I ' TUNIT4 = 'none ' EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM' / name of this binary table extension TELESCOP= 'LOFT ' / Telescope name INSTRUME= 'WFM ' / Instrument name FILTER = 'none ' / Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE= 10000.0 / Exposure time(s) EFFAREA = 1.0 / effective area factor AREASCAL= 1.0 / nominal effective area BACKSCAL= 1.0 / background scale factor BACKFILE= 'none ' / background FITS file CORRFILE= 'none ' / correlation FITS file CORRSCAL= 0.0 / Correlation scale factor RESPFILE= 'WFM_M4_full.rmf' / redistribution matrix file (RMF) ANCRFILE= 'WFM_M4_full.arf' / ancillary response file (ARF) XFLT0001= 'none ' / XSPEC selection filter description CHANTYPE= 'PHA ' / Channel assigned by detector electronics POISSERR= T / Poissonian error assumed STAT_ERR= 0 / no statistical error specified SYS_ERR = 0 / no systematic error specified DETCHANS= 780 / Total no. detector channels CREATOR = 'python-pyfits' / program which created the PHA dataset HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / organization of the file format in use HDUCLAS1= 'SPECTRUM' / extension contains a PHA dataset HDUCLAS2= 'BKG ' / type of data stored HDUCLAS3= 'COUNT ' / type of data stored HDUCLAS4= 'TYPE:I ' / type of data stored HDUVERS = '1.2.1 ' / version of the HDUCLASS format in use HDUVERS1= '1.2.1 ' / version of the HDUCLAS1 format in use TLMIN1 = 0 / Lowest legal channel number TLMAX1 = 779 / Highest legal channel number END "5١ݦ  z   Ad m(oˆkl '!P"#w$w%&'( )X*X+,-.^/01~d2|$3zR4x5y6{7=8#9:;2<=}>w?r+@kAgBdXCbD`E^F\GZHY%IW5JUKTLSMRNQOPPO~QNJRMSKTJUI]VGWFXE_YDZB[A\@]?^>_>+`=xa<b;c:d9e8f7fg6?h51i4(j3Ek2Xl1m0n0 o/pp.q.>r-s,t,Eu+v*w*5x)oy(z({'`|&}%~%L$##r""".!!z!  QI/9!$(\+-.D,)V%0 )vJr"I58Z u^@(DzCkW:2.!xY4     a 7          ` > #           r k k q t r v l ^ H "          s ` S T ] h z   s \ F 0          ! " # $ % q& _' R( G) G* L+ W, d- t. ~/ 0 1 2 z3 k4 W5 E6 .7 89:;<=>?@A B C DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV}WuXvYtZs[q\p]k^a__`cabbecidlenfdgUhAi.jk lmno#p(q0r2s,t$uvwx y z{ | }~      !"#$%&'()* +B,-. / 012m3456u7u8 9: ; < = O> 8? @ [AB^CDEFGHIJ{KsLkMgN_OSPNQHRGSITPUYV`WcXeYfZb[Z\U]S^U_U`Ya[b^c\dXeYfXgUhTiUjUkYl]mYnWoQpLqFrBs?t=u9v5w/x.y)z'{$|$}&~)-/.-+/4<_s}T3}{{|ztngbZSRSRTX^bdghd]UOD?99;<BED=83&