INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
ISDC Frequently Asked Questions
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What causes the error message "Fortran runtime error: End of record" ? [ SOFT-051 : 2013-APR-18 ]

This strange error message from ii_skyimage_use.f90 makes ii_skyimage terminating with status -35606. It has been found that this is related to a wrong entry in the INTEGRAL General Reference Catalog, when the source NAME or SOURCE_ID field has a long minus sign character "–" instead of a short dash "-". If such sources are detected in the observation being analysed, the error might arise. In catalog versions 34 and 35 this problem affects the following sources: IGR J17494-3030, MAXI J1305-704, and MAXI J1836-194 (in the SOURCE_ID field), and in vers. 34 also the source NAME of SWIFT J0208.4-7428.

Created on 2013-APR-18. Answered by Marc Türler

Complementary information can be found in the ISDC Glossary and in OSA Known Issues.
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