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What is the Crab count rate in IBIS/ISGRI ? [ IBIS-019 : 2007-NOV-20 ]

The Crab off-axis corrected ISGRI count rates for the Crab (pulsar + nebula) with OSA 7, taken from spectral extraction are as follows:

17.3  -  63.3 keV: constant level 337 cps up to IJD 2000, then linear decrease
                   down to 326 cps at IJD 3000.
21.1  -  40.3 keV: 180 cps up to IJD 2000, then again linear decrease to 172 cps
40.3  - 101.6 keV: behaviour similar to above two bands, 115 cps, then 110 cps.
101.6 - 312.2 keV: opposite situation, linear increase from 23 cps at IJD 1000
                   to 26.5 cps at IJD 2000, then constant.
Those count rates can simply be added for an extended spectral range. [see also IBIS-026] [see also SPI-007]

Created on 2005-JUN-03. Updated on 2007-NOV-20. Answered by Piotr Lubinski

Complementary information can be found in the ISDC Glossary and in OSA Known Issues.
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