INTEGRAL Science Data Centre

                   * * * ISDC News 23-JAN-2009 * * *
                     (Last Updated on 26-JAN-2009)

Public INTEGRAL TOO observation of AXP 1E1547.0-5408

INTEGRAL has performed a public Target of Opportunity (TOO) observation
of the current flaring activity period of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar
(AXP) 1E1547.0-5408. This TOO was triggered by the detection by the
SPI anti-coincidence shield (ACS) of about 200 intense gamma-ray
flares from this source. More info at:

The Public TOO (source 1E1547.0-5408, obsid 06700010001) has taken
place during the revolution 767, starting on 2009-01-24T15:30:59. The
near real time (NRT) data have been made available by the ISDC to all
observers with a delay of a few hours from acquisition by the
satellite. Some preliminary results have been announced in ATel #1908:

The NRT data can be downloaded from ISDC for this revolution number
0767 by:
rsync -lrtv your_destination/scw/0767

The directory "your_destination/scw" must be created in advance.

The auxiliary data can be downloaded by the command:
rsync -lrtv your_destination/aux

Please note that near real time data can be affected by a number of
defects and approximate auxiliary information.