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Run ii_light

To be able to use ii_light you have to run the standard analysis until the SPE level (startLevel="COR" endLevel="SPE"). You need to run the IMA level with the same energy ranges in which you are going to extract the lightcurves. This is due to the fact that the IMA step will produce correction and background maps (rebinned_corr_ima.fits and rebinned_back_ima.fits) that are energy dependent and that will be put as input to ii_light. Alternatively you can use ii_map_rebin to produce these maps in the desired energy bands. You need to run the SPE level because during this level the PIF, needed as input to ii_light, is created. Alternatively you can create PIF with ii_pif program, as described in Section 9.11.

Once you have run the script until the SPE level (included) you are ready to launch the stand alone lightcurve extraction tool. ii_light works on the Science Window level only, meaning that you have to launch it once per Science Window. It does not change the structure of the Science Window group, so if you would like to compare the results of ii_light and ii_lc_extract it is worth to run the analysis until SPE, use ii_light as shown below, then go back to $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/OGID and relaunch the analysis from LCR to LCR in the standard way. The output lightcurve files of the standard software are automatically called isgri_lcr.fits.

Alternatively, if you have first run the standard lightcurve extraction (i.e. the LCR level) you can still run ii_light following the instructions below.

We give an example of the shell script that launches ii_light for all Science Windows of your group OGID from a particular revolution, (0051 in example below).

setenv run 0051

foreach file (scw/$run*/swg_ibis.fits)
echo $file
ii_light inSwg=$file \
         num_e=4 e_min="20 40 60 100" e_max="40 60 100 200" delta_t=10 \
         outLC="$file:h/lcr.fits(ISGR-SRC.-LCR-IDX.tpl)" \
         GTIname="MERGED_ISGRI" \
         context="../../scw/$run/rev.001/idx/isgri_context_index.fits" \
         idxSwitch="../../scw/$run/rev.001/idx/isgri_pxlswtch_index.fits" \
         idxNoise="../../scw/$run/rev.001/idx/isgri_prp_noise_index.fits" \
         backDol="rebinned_back_ima.fits" \
         corrDol="rebinned_corr_ima.fits" \
         pifDOL="$file:h/isgri_pif.fits" source_selectDol="" onlydet=no \
         | tee out.log

As a result of this script you will have in each scw/$run* directory a file lcr.fits with 4 lightcurves (in 20 - 40, 40 - 60, 60 - 100, 100 - 200 keV energy bands) with 10 seconds binning (delta_t=10). The sources for which a lightcurve is extracted are the ones for which a PIF was created at the SPE level, i.e. specified in SCW2_cat_for_extract (see Section 7.2.)

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