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We have found that some regions of the mask have glue deposits in the void. The shadowgrams of strong sources near those glue deposits are not fully correct and create artifacts in the images (mostly ghosts). In the new ghost_buster processing, affected pixels are killed from the shadowgrams for strong sources (sourcecat="$ISDC_REF_CAT[ISGRI_FLAG2==5])". If you include too many sources (by changing the default catalog parameter SCW1_BKG_buster_src in ibis_science_analysis) in this ghost buster algorithm you will also kill too many signal pixels, so only include very bright sources and do this if you see artifacts in very deep mosaics.

Table 21: ghost_busters parameters included into the main script.
Name Name Type Description
(in the main script) (executable)    
SCW1_BKG_busters_mask maskmode string Model of the mask areas to be ignored.
SCW1_BGK_busters_src sourcecat string Input source catalog.