SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS Format BITPIX = 8 /8 bits ASCII NAXIS = 0 /No image data EXTEND = T /Extensions are present TELESCOP= 'IUE ' / International Ultraviolet Explorer DATE = '06/07/97' /Date file is written (*new FITS standard*) ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Institution generating the file CAMERA = 'SWP ' / Camera IMAGE = 46663 / Sequential image number DISPERSN= 'LOW ' / Dispersion processing type APERTURE= 'LARGE ' / Aperture ABNNOSTD= 'NO ' / Non-standard image acquisition ABNBADSC= 'NO ' / LWP bad scans ABNHTRWU= 'NO ' / LWR heater warmup ABNREAD = 'NO ' / Read at other than 20 KB ABNUVC = 'NO ' / Non-standard UVC voltage ABNHISTR= 'NO ' / History replay ABNOTHER= 'NO ' / Other abnormality POSANGLE= 185.52 / Pos angle of the large aperture (deg) ABNMINFR= 'NO ' / Bad/missing minor frames CC-PERCN= 95.6 / Cross-correlation % successful ITF = 'SWP85R92A' / ITF identification COMMENT BY RA: EXP 1 APER L E=180,C=97,B=28 COMMENT BY RA: 0 MISSING MINOR FRAMES NOTED ON SCRIPT COMMENT BY RA: EXP 1 TRACKED ON GYROS AND FES COMMENT BY RA: S PREP USED COMMENT BY RA: OFFSET 1 FROM: SAO 119431 COMMENT BY RA: OFFSET 1 COORDINATES: 12 27 37.2 -02 30 27 COMMENT BY RA: OFFSET 1 MAGNITUDE: 9.300 COMMENT BY RA: REF.PT. USED FOR EXP 1: ( 0, 300) COMMENT BY RA: FESCOUNT 1 = 377 FES-MODE 1 = FO DATEOBS = '06/01/93' / Observing date TIMEOBS = '01:24:07' / Observing time EXPTRMD = 'NO-TRAIL' / Trail mode EXPMULT = 'NO ' / Multiple exposure mode EXPSEGM = 'NO ' / Segmented exposure code EXPTIME = 1199.588 / Integration time in seconds RA = 186.6388 / Homogeneous R.A. in degrees DEC = 2.3287 / Homogeneous Dec. in degrees TARGET = '3C 273 ' / Object as given by Guest Observer TARGRA = 186.6387 / R.A. in degrees (given by GO) TARGDEC = 2.3283 / Dec. in degrees (given by GO) OBJECT = 'PG 1226+023' / Homogeneous Object ID HJD-MID = 2448993.56640 / JD middle of obs. with Heliocentric corr. COMMENT IUE-VICAR HEADER START SWP 46663, 3C 373, 20 MIN EXPO, LOW DISP, LARGE APER MMOCU GRANDI 6 JANUARY 1993 DAY 006 COMMENT IUE-VICAR HEADER END HISTORY START RAW_SCREEN 6-JUL-1997 11:12:28 HISTORY 14 BRIGHT SPOTS DETECTED HISTORY 0 MISSING MINOR FRAMES DETECTED HISTORY LARGE APERTURE SPECTRUM WILL BE EXTRACTED AS HISTORY POINT SOURCE HISTORY LARGE APERTURE CONTINUUM DN LEVEL = 83 HISTORY SMALL APERTURE CONTINUUM DN LEVEL = 0 HISTORY BACKGROUND DN LEVEL = 26 HISTORY END RAW_SCREEN 6-JUL-1997 11:13:08 HISTORY START EXTRACTION 27-JAN-1998 10:19:16 HISTORY INES NOISE MODEL USED HISTORY CROSS-DISPERSION PROFILES BINNED IN 57 BLOCKS HISTORY EMPIRICAL EXTRACTION HISTORY CENTROID FOUND AT LINE 50.5 HISTORY REJECT PIXELS DEVIATING BY 4.0 SIGMA HISTORY OUT OF 14720 PIXELS 38 REJECTED AS COSMIC RAY HITS HISTORY END EXTRACTION 27-JAN-1998 10:19:26 END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: 27-Jan-1998 10:19:27.00 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 14 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 495 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns TFORM1 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' /Label for column 1 TUNIT1 = 'ANGSTROM' /Units of column 1 TDISP1 = 'F10.3 ' /Display format for column 1 TFORM2 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE2 = 'FLUX ' /Label for column 2 TUNIT2 = 'ERG/CM2/S/A' /Units of column 2 TDISP2 = 'E15.7 ' /Display format for column 2 TFORM3 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE3 = 'SIGMA ' /Label for column 3 TUNIT3 = 'ERG/CM2/S/A' /Units of column 3 TDISP3 = 'E15.7 ' /Display format for column 3 TFORM4 = '1I ' /Integer*2 (short integer) TTYPE4 = 'QUALITY ' /Label for column 4 TUNIT4 = ' ' /Units of column 4 TDISP4 = 'I7 ' /Display format for column 4 FILENAME= 'SWP46663LL.FITS' /Filename(camera)(number)(disp)(aper).FITS END