SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS Format BITPIX = 8 /8 bits ASCII NAXIS = 0 /No image data EXTEND = T /Extensions are present TELESCOP= 'IUE ' / International Ultraviolet Explorer DATE = '06/01/96' /Date file is written (*new FITS standard*) ORIGIN = 'VILSPA ' / Institution generating the file CAMERA = 'LWP ' / Camera IMAGE = 20454 / Sequential image number DISPERSN= 'LOW ' / Dispersion processing type APERTURE= 'LARGE ' / Aperture ABNNOSTD= 'NO ' / Non-standard image acquisition ABNBADSC= 'NO ' / LWP bad scans ABNHTRWU= 'NO ' / LWR heater warmup ABNREAD = 'NO ' / Read at other than 20 KB ABNUVC = 'NO ' / Non-standard UVC voltage ABNHISTR= 'NO ' / History replay ABNOTHER= 'NO ' / Other abnormality POSANGLE= 009.15 / Pos angle of the large aperture (deg) ABNMINFR= 'NO ' / Bad/missing minor frames CC-PERCN= 96.6 / Cross-correlation % successful ITF = 'LWP92R94A' / ITF identification COMMENT BY RA: COMMENT BY GO: DATEOBS = '27/05/91' / Observing date TIMEOBS = '04:40:52' / Observing time EXPTRMD = 'NO-TRAIL' / Trail mode EXPMULT = 'NO ' / Multiple exposure mode EXPSEGM = 'NO ' / Segmented exposure code EXPTIME = 01799.659 / Integration time in seconds RA = 186.6388 / Homogeneous R.A. in degrees DEC = +02.3287 / Homogeneous Dec. in degrees TARGET = '3C273 ' / Object as given by Guest Observer TARGRA = 186.6387 / R.A. in degrees (given by GO) TARGDEC = +02.3283 / Dec. in degrees (given by GO) OBJECT = 'PG 1226+023' / Homogeneous Object ID HJD-MID = 2448403.70835 / JD middle of obs. with Heliocentric corr. COMMENT IUE-VICAR HEADER START 3C273,LWP20454,LRES,LAP,30M0S,04:40:52 910527,SPREP,MAXG,LOREAD,MQ044,GONZALEZ (S.O.) 85,155,SO,9.8,,63D50M45.7S,931,890,301,FO COMMENT IUE-VICAR HEADER END HISTORY START RAW_SCREEN 6-JAN-1996 01:17:09 HISTORY 4 BRIGHT SPOTS DETECTED HISTORY 0 MISSING MINOR FRAMES DETECTED HISTORY LARGE APERTURE SPECTRUM WILL BE EXTRACTED AS HISTORY POINT SOURCE HISTORY LARGE APERTURE CONTINUUM DN LEVEL = 186 HISTORY SMALL APERTURE CONTINUUM DN LEVEL = 0 HISTORY BACKGROUND DN LEVEL = 31 HISTORY END RAW_SCREEN 6-JAN-1996 01:17:33 HISTORY START EXTRACTION 17-JAN-1998 08:37:47 HISTORY INES NOISE MODEL USED HISTORY CROSS-DISPERSION PROFILES BINNED IN 59 BLOCKS HISTORY EMPIRICAL EXTRACTION HISTORY CENTROID FOUND AT LINE 52.4 HISTORY REJECT PIXELS DEVIATING BY 6.0 SIGMA HISTORY OUT OF 14720 PIXELS 1 REJECTED AS COSMIC RAY HITS HISTORY END EXTRACTION 17-JAN-1998 08:37:57 END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: 17-Jan-1998 08:37:57.00 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 14 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 562 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns TFORM1 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' /Label for column 1 TUNIT1 = 'ANGSTROM' /Units of column 1 TDISP1 = 'F10.3 ' /Display format for column 1 TFORM2 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE2 = 'FLUX ' /Label for column 2 TUNIT2 = 'ERG/CM2/S/A' /Units of column 2 TDISP2 = 'E15.7 ' /Display format for column 2 TFORM3 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE3 = 'SIGMA ' /Label for column 3 TUNIT3 = 'ERG/CM2/S/A' /Units of column 3 TDISP3 = 'E15.7 ' /Display format for column 3 TFORM4 = '1I ' /Integer*2 (short integer) TTYPE4 = 'QUALITY ' /Label for column 4 TUNIT4 = ' ' /Units of column 4 TDISP4 = 'I7 ' /Display format for column 4 FILENAME= 'LWP20454LL.FITS' /Filename(camera)(number)(disp)(aper).FITS END